Sunday, October 18, 2015


Although I consider being in the US as a unforgettible adventure, I cannot call this paradise, mainly because of the food (and their prices :D) When it comes to people, it is completely different, it was much easier to live with them, cooperate and go through the problems than with polish people. Although first impression is very important and most of the Americans are very stubborn and then is almost impossible to convince them :) 

I learn how to live much slower, not to take care about everything too much, I understood that we are just humans and sometimes it is good to make mistakes. At work I was trying to be a perfectionist that's why I was satisfied to work alone, without messy kitchen staff :D Grils were cutting their fingers, burning their hands and food :D It was a nice feeling to be the only one who survived 2 months without any cuts.

My mom is an amazing cook and partially I was glad that I won't eat so much, I wanted to loose weight finally and eat less. But my plans have foundered. I've ate even less than at home and after all I put on weight almost 6 kilogramms :D At first two weeks I tried to eat only salads with tomato and cucumbers (that was the only healthy thing on camp) but come on, I am definitely not a rabbit. 

And then the fun has started :D Breakfast doughnuts (sometimes children even ate salad with chips and dip bleeeeh), lunch - cheese with pasta and fries (+dessert), dinner - hamburgers, pizza, chicken wings (+dessert of course). Kitchen staff have always eaten after the kinds, we must did it very quickly because we wanted to clean fast and take a rest finally. But the kids didn't help us at all, they were very messy during meals, especially when I've baked brownies, dough were all over the tables, chairs and floors. I regret that I did not take a photo of this art haha. 

Happily, during the travelling I was buying food very rarely, camp gave us meals so then I ate just once a day. I was not hungry because of the heat and food prices :D And I've lost everything what I put on weight, yesss! Maybe It will sounds very stupid and shallow but I'd rather to buy some shoes ands clothes and spend it on museums and tourist attractions then waste my money on food haha :D 


  1. Haha nice one! And you shared with us how much you put on weight :D you're so brave :p

  2. I know something about the Americans' mentality from some series and movies, but I have always dreamed about meeting them and talking with them. I am so jealous! And all those places you saw! Amazing! But the diet of those children... Sometimes I am happy that I live in Poland and the culture of 'junk food' is not as expanded as in the USA. But I am also happy because of the sight of vegetables on the plats on the photos above. :D
