Saturday, May 23, 2015

How to get out of an akward situation?

Everybody makes mistakes, often we feel embarrassed and hide that nothing happened. Afterwards, we laught about it or cry a lot :) So how to get out of awkwards situations and minimize their consequences?

Nosy questions

There are always those who want to know every little detail of your life - and not only personal, but also professional. They don't embarrassed to ask how much you earn, what salary has your partner or if you have a good relationship with your boss. To get out of this awkward situation, find some ready answers that will satisfy the curiosity of the people and at the same time discourage them to further questions. If someone asks you how much you earn, just answer: enough to pay the bills, but not enough to buy a Lamborghini.

Forgetting someone's name (yeah definitely me)

Very often it happens that after the first meeting we forget someone's name. What to do if you met this person again? Give your hand and say: Hello, I'm not sure if you remember me, I'm XY. The other person probably understands the message and will do the same. If not, continue the conversation, with the hope that you will remember her name. You can also say that you have a short memory for names. Most people will be very understanding, because they also have the same problem.

Committing blunders

Each of us made once in our life a huge blunder. When you do this, give yourself a moment to calm down and quickly fix it by saying something nice. So when you ask a friend who recently took a lot on weight when she will have a baby and she replied that she is not pregnant, tell her: You have such a radiant face as pregnant women. That's why I thought you are expecting a child.

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